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Personal Injury ChiroTouch Macro


Ready to force the insurance adjustors to take you more seriously?

Purchase Page for the PI-Main Personal Injury ChiroTouch Macro

How much is your time and your reputation really worth?


Note: Other than providing a macro that runs on the ChiroTouch EHR system, we are in no way a subsidiary of, partner of, or in a business relationship of any kind with ChiroTouch itself.

PI-Main can save you time and can potentially increase the value of your cases.

It can set you apart from everyone else in your market!

How much is it worth to outpace your competition and make the value of your treatment worth it’s weight in gold through your documentation?

There are two options available below. One is for the macro and online video support material alone. The other option is for the macro, online tutorial support material, online support via Teamviewer sessions if required, and narrative building coaching.

** Please note: if you want to learn to build narratives like we build them, it will be necessary to purchase EndnoteX7 from ($250.00). This is an unavoidable extra expense. Depending on your computer setup, it may also be necessary to get Keyboard Maestro (FREE) if you have a Mac or to spend time setting up the internal macros for your Microsoft Word program on Windows-based computers. AutoHotKey is also a program that can help automate your narratives and may be worth looking at. Some leg work will be required of your staff. We are not equipped to have all answers for all devices and platforms. We will provide you resources, the template, and the coaching to build the narratives but the program is not all in one, plug and play. However, with a little work, I know we can get your office up and running with the most professional narratives in your area!**

PI-Main Purchase Options


Jeff Williams, D.C.

3501 W. 45th St., Suite T

Amarillo, TX 79109

I am an active, practicing chiropractor. As I’m sure you understand, it can be difficult to answer the phone during business hours. However, if you would like to schedule a phone call with me before you decide to purchase, please simply email me at and I will get your call on the books so that you can get your questions answered regarding the macro and the narratives.

We invite you to give us your feedback. Let us know what new features you would like to see in an updated version of PI-Main. Just CLICK HERE to send us an email and we’ll get it included if it works within the context of what we are trying to accomplish.