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Personal Injury ChiroTouch Macro

Ready to force the insurance adjustors to take you more seriously?


Note: Other than providing a macro that runs on the ChiroTouch EHR system, we are in no way a subsidiary of, partner of, or in a business relationship of any kind with ChiroTouch itself.


Personal Injury Chiro Touch Macro - ChiroTouch Personal Injury Macro

Welcome to the most comprehensive Personal Injury Specific ChiroTouch Macro.


Lets start with an introduction and synopsis of how PI-Main came to be.

My name is Jeff Williams, D.C. and I live and practice in Amarillo, TX. I have a practice that has a substantial amount of personal injury patients.

To start, I am a Croft Commando and I have the Advanced Certification in Dr. Croft's Whiplash Biomechanics & Traumatology course. Completing it in November of 2013, I'm a fairly fresh version of "Commando."

If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Art Croft, he is a wealth of knowledge and has transformed how I approach case management and treatment of personal injury patients. His course can be found through the Spine Research Institute of San Diego  I simply cannot recommend it highly enough to doctors taking care of personal injury patients and consequently dealing with the insurance company and attorneys that are many times associated with the cases.

I started using ChiroTouch in February of 2013 but it took me about 6 months to become comfortable with it and to finally learn how to create macros effectively.

In my search to improve my persoanl injury note-taking and case management, I happened across Dr. Jonathan Walker's PI macro in ChiroTouch's support library. Dr. Walker has a personal injury marketing program that can be found at He was using the macro as a promotional item offered for free. 

I started using it and, while it was of some general use and gave me some great direction, it was inadequate for what I had envisioned for my personal use in my practice.

I went to work on the skeleton that Dr. Walker so graciously shared with the ChiroTouch community. I combined the mountains of research I had learned through Dr. Croft’s 4-part course. Then, to top it off, I added in Dr. Matt DeGaetano’s information that he shares through his Personal Injury Institute ( ).

The result of over two years of consistent work, education, and experience is what I believe to be the most comprehensive, most up-to-date, and most useful ChiroTouch macro available for personal injury purposes.

The PI-Main macro will continue to evolve, change, and improve but after a full two years of building it, I cannot imagine a personal injury doctore needing much more for a complete patient intake, for daily notes, for exams and re-exams, for research citations, crash descriptions, biomechanic descriptions, injury descriptions, and for narrative writing purposes. 

With the right configuration on your computer, narrative writing is almost as easy as copying and pasting.

I am not claiming that this macro is so comprehensive that you’ll never need to update or alter it for your own personal use. You will have to make tweaks and changes in certain areas that personalize the macro to your specific practice. But this macro will give you the head start you need to hit the ground running if you’re a beginner at personal injury and it will ABSOLUTELY save you time and take your game to the next level if you’ve been treating personal injury patients for years.