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Personal Injury ChiroTouch Macro

Ready to force the insurance adjustors to take you more seriously?


Note: Other than providing a macro that runs on the ChiroTouch EHR system, we are in no way a subsidiary of, partner of, or in a business relationship of any kind with ChiroTouch itself.


"The macro saved one of our cases just this week. I had a patient with low back pain prior to his crash. The crash aggravated the condition in frequency and intensity. The insurance adjustor tried to deny coverage due to his having a pre-existing complaint. If I had not had the macro to keep my staff on point at the initial patient intake, the entire case would have been denied completely."

Jeff Williams, DC, 3/18/15

Personal Injury Chiro Touch Macro - ChiroTouch Personal Injury Macro

Have you spent countless hours dealing with the stress and effort of treating personal injury patients only to have the case devalued by the insurance company?

     •     Because there was a gap in treatment,

     •     Because the notes did not support the diagnosis or the treatment,

     •     Because the impact was low speed and the insurance company devalued the case due to minor damage?

     •     Or was it because of a million other loop-holes the insurance companies like to exploit in order to reduce what they will pay?

Do you feel like the insurance companies, or even worse, the attorneys don’t take you or your notes seriously?

Are you sick and tired of the insurance companies running over you?

Do you feel like you just don't have the time it takes to do everything correctly at the level it should be done?

Are you sick and tired of the attorneys ignoring you or sending clients to other doctors in your market?

Would you like to make them all sit up straight and take notice?

     •     Would you like your personal injury cases to be on solid ground instead of quicksand?

     •     Would you enjoy more personal injury referrals? Attorneys refer when you are able to produce more robust and more comprehensive notes that support your work through years of research?

     •     Would you like to make more knowledgable treatment recommendations for you personal injury case management?

     •     Would you like to have the most comprehensive macro to compliment your Certification in Whiplash Biomechanics and Traumatology through Art Croft and the Spine Research Institute of San Diego? Please CLICK HERE to learn more about Dr. Croft and his amazing program.

     •     Would you like to get cutting edge coaching on using this macro to fully utilize this macro to produce narratives that no other doctor in your area is able to produce?

Our personal injury ChiroTouch macro is the answer. It can save you time, make your case management second to none, make your clinical decisions and treatment plans bullet-proof, putting you and your office above reproach. PI-Main macro raises your professionalism and competency to the level you should be.




You can easily add to the already outstanding capabilities of ChiroTouch through the use of PI-Main. This macro can be used for your daily patients but truly shines in the personal injury arena!

PI-Main exclusively allows you the ability to add such comprehensive, research-based descriptions of an impact and it’s consequences with just the touch of a few buttons.

